Offshore Investment Opportunities

Offshore Investments
- Isle of Man

Free (no obligation) Personal Consultation

A 'Personal Consultation' is necessary for me to tailor my recommendation to your needs

Please contact me by email to arrange a presentation
Independent Financial Adviser
Established 1996
Tel: +34 952 599 291
Mobile: +34 634 377 883
Fax: No fax availble at this time
Email address:

Lew Tudor Financial Services
Internationally Qualified Adviser

Site Map:

Lew Tudor Financial Services is a sole proprietorship offering wealthy clients the ability to set up individual Trusts for specific purposes. My aim is not to offer any holistic financial solutions.

My aim is to set up strategic Trusts that seek to achieve personal objectives.

You may wish your investment trust capital to generate tax efficient growth, or regular income, or maybe a mixture of both. Whatever the intention, each recommendation will fully reflect the amount of risk you are willing to take over the short, medium and longer term.

I am also aware that your personal circumstances and objectives might alter in the future, so any proposals made now must be flexible enough to accommodate change. I never lose sight of the fact that it is your money, and I never underestimate my responsibility when seeking to achieve your investment goals.

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My full name is Llewelyn John Tudor. I am a British citizen with dual nationality (South African and British).

My qualifications are as follows:
Baccalaurius Procurationis - Bachelor of Law, University of South Africa - BProc(SA)
Diploma Iuris - Diploma in Law, University of South Africa - Dip Iuris(SA)
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators - FCIS
Associate of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers - AICB
Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice - CeMAP

Lew Tudor Financial Services is completely independent. However, I channel all my client's investments through one particular company (financial institution). A Company that my clients will feel comfortable with, that their investments are in safe hands. And a company to which they will have personal access, should this be necessary. My reason for choosing this company is that the company is financially sound and is a FTSE 100 company and that their products are best suited to my 'target market'.